Hi, I'm Sunil,
I am a career coach for professionals seeking meaning in their work lives.
For many years, I felt out of place in my career, although successful, doing unfulfilled work. This led me on a journey of finding out and creating meaningful work that I felt called to do.
That’s why today, I’m passionate about helping people connect deeply to themselves, to bring out their creativity and gifts for the world.

My Story
My journey to becoming a career coach, which aligns with my true self, has been an unexpected and transformative adventure.
In my late teens, I had my life neatly planned out, imagining a successful professional career in IT as a Systems Analyst. However, as I approached the end of my university education, my enthusiasm began to wane. I felt a shifting of my motivations, a yearning for deeper meaning and a desire to contribute beyond myself. Yet, I lacked clarity about what that meant. The need to support myself led me, by default, to the safe career in IT.
A few years into my graduate job, it became evident that I derived little satisfaction or meaning from my work. However, quitting wasn’t an option; I had bills to pay. Fear and resistance held me back from embracing a change or exploring new horizons. I often found myself at work, trapped in endless mental circles, searching for ways to infuse meaning into my professional life, or find a way out, yet I remained stuck.
Search for meaningful work
I vividly recall Monday mornings, and truth be told, most mornings, along with Sunday evenings, weighed down by the sense that I didn’t belong in the sterile corporate world. Suits and ties felt suffocating, and Sunday night ironing was a symbol of impending dread.
The frenetic pace of London, the dreary underground commutes, and the lack of genuine connections with people exacerbated my dissatisfaction. I yearned for escape, with more space, at a slower pace. The constant rush and disconnection was wearing me down.
As work discontent festered, other alarm bells rang. I experienced physical tension on the left side of my body, a mind that never switched off, and a persistent lack of peace. Anxiety and fear ruled my life, and my thoughts spun endlessly in my head. To compensate for my unfulfilling job, I sought solace in extracting every ounce of pleasure from life outside of work. All this took a toll on my health. My immune system weakened, and the early signs of chronic fatigue and depression emerged.
Doctors offered no satisfying solutions. I realized that change was imperative, and I needed to find my own way. I started by listening within, to what my body was telling me.
I embarked on small excursions, experimenting with activities I loved and volunteering in areas that resonated with me.
Gradually, I began to find work that felt aligned with my essence. Starting a therapeutic Arts project with a friend allowed people to express themselves and become more self-aware. This project not only served others but also helped me better understand my own values and desires.
Ultimately, my exploration led to part-time work and eventually quitting my job. It wasn’t easy, and my initial plan didn’t work out, but I had developed the flexibility to seize new opportunities life presented.
My path led me away from London, although originally dreaming of Spain, life landed me on a remote Scottish island, I had previously sworn never to live on. Two years later, it proved to be exactly where I needed to be.
I experienced the magic of life unfolding when I let go of rigid beliefs and embraced where it was taking me with openness. Listening to my inner voice and taking steps, even without knowing the destination, enriched my life in profound ways.
Addressing my health issues involved slowing down, meditation, and tuning into my body’s messages. I released my grip on preconceived notions and adopted healthy habits while creating mental space.
Free Your Flow
In hindsight, I’ve learned that the journey holds more value than the destination. It’s about savouring the process of being and doing, rather than temporary satisfaction from outcomes.
I discovered environments that suited each stage of my journey, nurturing my growth and each leading to the next steps, eventually to study Art Psychotherapy and later training as a Coach.
Looking back at my journey, I realised that I was perfectly positioned to coach professionals seeking more meaning in their work, the exact situation I found myself in many years back.
Career coach for professionals
Today, as a Career Coach for professionals looking for meaning in the work, I bring my life experience, practice of Meditation / Mindfulness and my training as a Coach.
I have the privilege of guiding individuals on their journey to deep self-connection and the creation of meaningful work that authentically reflects who they are.

Discover how to get Paid to be You!
What if you don’t have to neglect your values and personality to earn a living?
Find out the steps you need to take and the pitfalls to avoid.
By doing the work we’re here to do,
we become who we’re meant to be. And vice versa!
Tune in, listen to what wants to be created through you, and let yourself become fully you!

My Mission
I help people deeply connect to themselves to create work that fits who they are.
My favourite words...
Many of the words I love, begin with I or C!
Inspiration, Insight, Intuition, Imagination, Creativity, Clarity, Connection, Compassion, Curiosity.
And of course Flow!
What I love...
Dance! Although, I’ve spent quite some time sitting and meditating, I can’t stop moving! I love expressing myself to the music! It serves as a powerful metaphor for how I live my life.
Life is a dance, an unfolding, a becoming. Paradoxically, from inner stillness comes full expression and movement. Listen to your music and flow with it.
What I'm doing with my life...
Stepping fully into my Creative Power, to realise how we create our realities and helping professionals do the same to express their highest potential through their work to bring harmony to their lives and the planet.
Having this deep sense of mission keeps me focused and determined even when things don’t go as I planned.

Nathalia Wichan
Before working with Sunil, I felt stuck in my career and overwhelmed by fear-based decisions. Through his thoughtful coaching, I’ve gained clarity on what meaningful work looks like for me and how to align my actions with my values. His words—and even his pauses—are incredibly thoughtful and inspire deep reflection.
I’ve had a breakthrough in understanding that I wasn’t truly feeling my feelings and have started to pay attention to them, which has been transformative.
His organized approach and detailed session notes add extra value. I now approach my career and personal life with more confidence, curiosity, and balance. I highly recommend Sunil to anyone seeking deeper self-awareness and alignment in their work and life.

Karolina Borowski
Sunil worked with me to really identify my strengths and interests. Each session helped me shape a better idea and path towards the career change that I’ve been craving. What I enjoyed most about our sessions was how we managed to set measurable and action oriented objectives that have pushed me outside from just thinking in my head to actually creating and doing.
Sunil also helped me realise some fixations and limiting beliefs that I had with regard to how to achieve my goals. His coaching has been a great investment and continues to be a big support during this transition. Thank you, Sunil!

Federico Madrid
Thanks, Sunil, for your comprehensive guidance, even your silences are full of wisdom in giving the right space for one to look at oneself, rather than to others!

Maurice Spees
Sunil is a very heart-warming, humble and sensitive coach combined with strong energy that triggers the strings that you need to play to get ahead. He uses his ability to look into people’s big picture and how they are standing in relationship to that, to give them clarity in how to get to their next step and ahead.
He knows where you are at, with his intuitive way of tapping into what it is that you need to get going.
I never believed in coaches, or the need for a coach but he surely changed my perspective on that.

Amy Baker
Sunil is a kind, generous and insightful coach who has helped me to realise things about myself that it might have taken me years to do on my own. Through intelligent and intuitive observation, listening and questioning, Sunil has helped me to feel more focused, clear about my aims and given me a deeper understanding of myself.
The coaching has helped me to set realistic goals, that feel doable and also allow me to see the progress I’m making. It’s helped me determine what I want to do, what’s the most important to me, why I feel the way I do in certain situations.

Victoria Carr
In such a short time I have gained so much from myself. I have learnt to open feelings that I have been suppressing and to gain a better understanding of myself.
I feel very blessed to have found Sunil at this moment in my life. This journey that we are on together is life changing for me. I truly trust Sunil and believe that he is a great coach. He is friendly, compassionate, reliable, respectful, without judgment, kind-hearted and smart. He also gets to the point fast!
Super thank you for helping me refocus my energy in life!

Lukas Drews
We worked on different topics and he managed each time to find a fitting way to connect with me and support me in my process.
His openness and his ability to see the real reasons under the surface helped me to dive deeper and gain different points of view.
His approach of being non-directive and the belief that the answers lie within you and the facilitation of a deep connection is what makes him special and high recommendable.

Xènia Regales
Sunil has helped me into a journey to become the person I want to be, instead of the person I thought I need to be.
This has translated in being able to make better choices in my life and in consequence getting to the places I want to be.
It is difficult to explain how the process works or how he does his “magic” the most important thing is to have a goal, trust him and let him guide you.
Are You Ready to Discover & Live Your Mission?
Allow me to guide you in a step-by-step process to discover your mission, transform your mindset to unlock your creative power and boldly take action to make it happen.
Book a Consultation Call
Live a life that matters, bring out the best of yourself to make an impact in the world, and still get paid well!
Recover your energy, move out of paralysis and procrastination, to take decisive action towards what you desire.

- See clearly what's holding you back & keeping you stuck
- Discover what you need clarity on and the way forward
- Recover your energy and enthusiasm for the next steps