Career Transition Coaching to Find & Live your Mission!

Career Transition Coaching

Find your mission and boldly move forward into creating work that’s aligned with your true self. And still get well paid! Transition career, even when you’re still unclear with what you want, with my unique ‘Career Way-finding’ framework for Career Transitions

With this 12 session programme, you’ll clarify your Direction, to discover out what you long to create, learn to Navigate by listening deeply to yourself. Release the blocks, the Inertia, keeping you stuck. See below for more details on the process. 

 – 12 x 60 – 75 mins sessions (via Zoom or in person)

 – Plus email support for the duration of the programme

Monthly On-going Support

Bring clarity, confidence and decisive action to create work you love. 

Get support to clearly know where you’re going, transform what’s holding you back, learn how to navigate the change and stay inspired, focused and productive to bring about what you desire.  

 – 2 x 60 – 75 mins sessions per month (via Zoom or in person) 
 – Plus email support for the month

Path to Meaningful work that fits

Orientation Session

Talk to me to get some perspective and clarity on your current situation. 

Book a one-off session to find out what you’re not seeing by, what further clarity you need, and where you should focus your efforts to move forward

 – 1 x 60 – 75 mins session (via Zoom)


Career Wayfinding – A path to a successful and assured career transition when you don’t know the exact destination! 

The approach I use to help you find your path to a career you love, takes its inspiration from “wayfinding”, a method of navigating that’s useful when you don’t know what the destination is!

It works especially well for people who are stuck in figuring out what they should be doing with their lives, and not making much progress.

I like to use a sailing analogy to describe the process I generally adopt.

Basically, there are only 3 things you need, to get to where you want to go: 

  • Inertia / Momentum is how easily you can move forward and what might be stopping you. You need to release inertia and gain momentum towards the work you’d love. 
  • Direction is your heading, the bearing towards which you want to move.
  • Navigation uses your compass, the instrument that helps to keep on course to your heading.

Transforming Inertia into Momentum

Quite simply, this is what is keeping you rooted to the spot. Unless you look at this, it’s difficult to get anywhere fast. It’s like trying to sail forward by switching on the motor, or putting up the sails, but forgetting to pull up the anchor.

Often, what I see when working with clients is that they need to work through the things that are contributing to their current unhappy experience of work. Making a correlation between what’s happening in their inner world, to the outer circumstances helps clear up the way. 

When we work from the inside out, bringing awareness to release stuck emotions and beliefs, they stop draining their own energy. This allows them to tap into the motivation and energy to move forward, and make progress towards the results they want to see.

Finding your Direction

Working at the level of identity, I lead you to discover your truest and deepest self, so that what you are creating in your life is an expression of that, resulting in fulfilment and satisfaction. 

You begin to see the essential qualities that you bring, your innate gifts, and what you enjoy, to get a picture of what matters to you, and what you truly offer the world. 

In this way, we build a “Direction” in which you want to go in your work / career.

We then translate this into the value it can bring someone else, so giving you a way to earn a good living from it. 

In other words, we discover your mission! 


Learn to Navigate to your ideal Career

Imagine having a compass and a heading. Even if you were to drift off course from your bearing, you’d know exactly how to get back on track again.

The “Direction” I mentioned earlier is this heading.

Navigation” is learning to move forward using your “Direction” and a compass which tells you whether you are on course towards your heading or not. This is the capacity to tune into what you truly need and want, your inner knowing and experience, which is beyond all the mental noise.

With this clarity, you get to choose with more consciousness and creative power, which reflects your essential self.

With this faculty to navigate, you’ll never be lost in your career again!

May you be all you can be, and have the fortune to bring your gifts to the world. 

 Sunil - Career Coach
Free your Flow!

Are You Ready to Discover Your Mission?

Allow me to guide you in a step-by-step career transition coaching process to find your mission, transform your mindset to unlock your creative power and boldly take action to make it happen. 

Book a Consultation Call

Live a life that matters, bring out the best of yourself to make an impact in the world, and still get paid well!

Recover your energy, move out of paralysis and procrastination, to take decisive action towards what you desire.

Free Your Flow