Showing 58 Result(s)
The Science of Getting Rich

The Science of Getting Rich

I like that this is a book about getting rich and infinitely more, however it doesn’t cost a fortune! Only $0.45 on Amazon for the Kindle version! What’s more it’s only 80 pages so it would take you no more than a few hours to read! The Science Of Getting Rich was first published in …

A Hero’s Journey – Do your Soul Work!

It’s not easy doing Work aligned to your essential nature, i.e. to do your Soul Work. It’s not something you learn at school. In fact, school positively encourages the opposite, subtly moulding you to fit in the box that society has created.  Although it’s changing, education often doesn’t teach you to think for yourself and …

Retraining Habitual Thoughts – Re-minding myself

I’m grateful for the little opportunities that life presents each day to see the inner workings of my mind. It’s often not a pretty sight, since I’m aware of habitual thoughts that are negative! Maybe, some retraining of habitual thoughts is needed. I was about to go across the city to an appointment, on one of …

Courage to Love

In his book, Power vs Force, David R. Hawkins, ventures forth exploring the territory of human consciousness, using applied kinesiology to map out the different positions from which we can face life. In one of the most fascinating maps I’ve come across, he maps not physical terrain but consciousness itself. He charts the vibrations from …

Free Your Flow