It is possible to know your mission and have a business with purpose!

The Ikigai Entrepreneur Assessment and Roadmap prepares you for business success and personal happiness, it tells you where you’re at in launching a business with purpose that fits you, the next steps you can take and the pitfalls to avoid; a business which is the perfect marriage between who you are, what you offer and what someone else needs and how they are looking to get that.

Business with Purpose

Is this it?

You should be proud and elated at the heights you’ve reached in your career.

— There’s just one problem —

Those are not the thoughts and feelings that arise when you think about another day at the office!

Although you have been successful, work feels meaningless and you’re starting to get more and more depressed, wondering how much more of this you can take.

You long a business with a sense of purpose, rather than spending 8 hours a day or more in a job doing something you don’t believe in!

You’d love to be engaged in work that was meaningful, but you worry about how you would pay the bills.

Since you don’t really know what else you’d do, you’re stuck, frustrated and paralysed by fear.

You want your life to be about something worthwhile, but it just feels like it’s passing you by, without you fully being yourself.

You’re worried how your work is affecting your health. Perhaps, feeling more and more depressed.

What have you been not listening to or trying to ignore?

If this is you… stuck in a well-paid job that feels meaningless, that’s slowly squeezing the life out of you.

I know how you feel. I’ve been there.

My Story

I was in this situation, feeling stuck, wracking my brains, going around in circles, for much longer than I care to admit, trying to come up with a way out, to be doing meaningful work but without being poor!

Many years on, I can see what I needed back then and I wish I knew then, what I know now.

As a Transformational and Career Coach with my own purposeful business, I’ve developed the Ikigai Entrepreneur Roadmap and Framework, using my journey and my knowledge to help people in the situation I described.

Your Mission (should you choose to accept it!)

I’m here to tell you …

Maybe it’s time to sit up and listen to what your heart, body, and your life is telling you. Perhaps you have a greater purpose and mission for which you’re here.

You can begin to recover your energy and zest for life, once you begin living into your mission.

Surely, you owe it to yourself to become the best version of yourself you can be and create the vision of work you dream about.

You can have soul-satisfying, meaningful and health affirming work from which you get a sense of purpose, making a difference in the world, by using your innate gifts.

In the world in which we live today, perhaps this perfect job doesn’t exist, you might have to create a business that allows you to fulfil your own personal mission and do the work you came to do!

For that however, you need to clearly know who you are (Self Discovery), what your mission is, what you should be ideally offering the world (Offer Design) and how to deliver that (Delivery System).

The Ikigai Entrepreneur Roadmap helps you do just that, it is a structured framework to help you take the leap and to live into your mission, maximising chances of success and happiness, while minimising the risks.

Vision of a business with purpose

What if you could use your talents and skills to create a business which gave you a sense of purpose and meaning, allowing you to contribute something positive that you believe in and give you the freedom to determine your own path, having the same financial rewards, if not more.

Step fully into being the person you’re meant to be, by beginning to listen to your own inner knowing, which is telling you in many ways that something must change.

How do you want to look back at this period at the end of your working life? … where you ignored the signs pulling you towards your greater destiny or as the time when you fully embraced who you’re meant to become and what you’re here to create!

The Ikigai Entrepreneur Assessment and Roadmap

It helps you answer the 3 Big Questions corresponding to the 3 phases of the Ikigai Entrepreneur Roadmap: Why? What? How?

Self Discovery: First discover who you are, what makes you tick, the contribution you want to make – your mission and what’s behind that – the Why?

Offer Design: Next see how that translates into an Offer for the world, the product or service that you can create – the What?

Delivery System: Once you have your Offer, you need to know how to bring that to the world and your customers / clients – the How?

Answer the questions (3 – 5 mins to complete), to get your free 10 page personalised report of the insights, delivered your Inbox in a few minutes. And take the next steps to a business with purpose that fits you!


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