Work to Love

The more beautiful Work our hearts know is possible 

Can you imagine the work that you’d love to be engaged in your heart of hearts? What would be the more beautiful work your heart knows is possible?

A lot of people say that they wouldn’t work, that they would perhaps travel, practice their favourite hobbies, or maybe just sit on the beach.

I think you might do that initially, but eventually you would have to find something greater to occupy your time and do something that gave you some sense of purpose or meaning.

Imagine if you had $17M sitting in the bank, and you never needed to work another day of your life? What then?

What would you do with your time?

Once our basic needs are met, I think we have an innate need to contribute something and also to actualise ourselves so that we become all we can be. These are drives that come to the fore once our basic needs for survival are met.

Think about the history of humanity… why have we created all that we have. If the only thing driving us was survival, well we would have stopped a long while ago when we were hunter gatherers. If we just wanted to be comfortable, why would we explore to the moon, create great art / music, the Taj Mahal or the Eiffel Tower.

Beautiful Work

So what would this work that is deeply fulfilling look like for you?

A couple of things that are on my list:

  • Developing myself.
  • Contributing to a deep need on the planet.
  • Doing something that is natural to me, that is enjoyable, nourishing and regenerates me.

I got to thinking about it further.

Inspired by the book, “The more beautiful world our hearts know is possible” by Charles Eisenstein, I wrote a manifesto for our work – “Manifesto: for the Work our hearts know is possible.”

I’ll publish it here tomorrow.  


Free Your Flow