Work Happiness Indicator Test

How happy are you REALLY with your Work?

Work Happiness Indicator

Do you know what’s important to you about your Work?

You know that you’re not so happy at work. That much is obvious, but figuring out what’s working and what’s not, might not be as easy. There may be a lot of different interacting factors which make up your overall satisfaction and well-being. Seeing what’s important to you, and where your current work is not really measuring up.

Being too close to the situation, you’re probably unable to see the complete picture and without it, well, you keep going round and round in circles, and you can’t begin taking decisive action in the right direction. 

12 Factors for Work Happiness

 The Work Happiness Indicator Test assesses your overall work happiness taking into account these 12 factors for work happiness, to give you an overall picture of what’s important and where the gaps are:


Meaning, how closely the stability which you need matches that provided by your work. This can include your experience of your day-to-day tasks as well as job and financial security. 


Fairly obvious… how happy you are with the level of income for your work, whether that’s as a business owner, freelancer, or employee. 


This refers to your satisfaction with the place where you work – the physical environment, location / commute and the tools needed to do your work. It doesn’t include the company culture or relationships. 


This is the amount of pleasure you get from the tasks that make up your work. You might do a lot of things, but this is an overall measure of all tasks combined, depending on the amount of time you spend doing each activity. 

It is not the satisfaction you get from achieving things, i.e. the result, but an evaluation of how much you enjoy the process. 


The meaning you get from your work, which contributes to your sense of satisfaction about what you do. 


How happy you are with the space you have for other areas of your life such as family, friends, leisure etc?  This is not only in terms of time, but also the level of energy you have available. 


The evolution and personal development opportunities in your current work. How your work allows you to build on your talents, to develop new skills and evolve as a person. Ideally, the level of challenge is just right, permitted a level of growth that is sustainable. 


The level of satisfaction with how your work is perceived by you, other people and society. 


The overall atmosphere at work, governed by underlying expectations, values, and practices which influence how you and others perceive themselves and the quality of your relationships.   


These are capacities that you have. It’s who you are, rather than what you know or have even learnt. Your talents are things that are more or less effortless for you, and so for this reason sometimes difficult to spot. 


This is the contribution that your work makes. It can be within your department/team, organisation and to the world at large. It is the difference that you are making. 


How your work contributes or prejudices your health. Consider how it affects you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. 


Instructions for completion

Score each of the 12 Factors for Happiness and their importance between 1-10, to give you an overall global picture of your Work Happiness, indicating aspects that are currently working, what’s important to you and where the gaps might be.

It takes 5-10 mins to complete. Don’t overthink it! Just go with the first answer that comes to your mind!

Receive your Work Happiness Percentage and a Report of the Insights, analysing the 12 Factors of Work Happiness 

via email for less than the price of a coffee! 

Life’s too short to be doing work you don’t LOVE!

The path to Happiness starts with knowing where you are!

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