A couple of weeks ago I wrote about using powerful questions for clarity, i.e. the power of questions as catalysts for provoking awareness and change.
I asked the question:
What thought/question can be added as a catalyst to bring about clarity in the mind? What would that thought be?
I’m not sure what response you got!
My mind’s initial response was to throw up the observation that it had to be something which referred to thoughts or beliefs themselves. A sort of meta-thought. Only that would have the power to clear up other thoughts. Maybe a thought that was self-referential.
This reminds me of an experience I had where my mind was spinning 100 km/h and in the next moment there are complete stillness, due to the awareness brought by one powerful thought in the moment. In that case, my thought was: “This is just a thought!” You can read more about it here.
So taking this idea of thoughts about thoughts, these are the ideas that my mind came up with in response to the experiment I created previously:
This is just thought!
Thoughts are thoughts, they are not reality!
I view my reality through thought.
Thought is the producer and the consumer of my experience.
Whatever you think of these responses or the responses you got, it’s amazing to witness the enormous power of the subconscious mind, and its ability to find solutions even when we are not consciously at work on a problem!
So, why not consciously harness this capability. A sort of Siri/Alexa/Geoffrey (there should be one called that!) that is waiting for your command. It will look up what you tell it to, most of the time, and as long as you’re not interfering, asking it if it’s found the answer every 2 seconds! Maybe the subconscious mind can be used in this way by systematically giving it questions / problems to work on.
Questions are quests into subconscious territory
Interesting that the word question contains the word quest! A quest is a journey toward a specific mission or a goal. Questions are quests… and where does the quest begin, and what is the land in which it takes places? I would say it begins with oneself, that each one of us has the answers! And that the quest is an inner journey digging deep into the mind, to the space of clarity. The deeper the place you can let a question sink to, the more satisfactory will your quest be.
Like a psychological ferret, the subconscious mind is capable of rooting out the causes of your current reality, given the right conditions. It has the capacity to throw up solutions to specific problems / issues if focused in the right way. Questions are like a scent given to a ferret. It knows what it’s on the hunt for, enabling it to ferret out what you are after.
Perhaps this idea can be applied in a systematic way for creatively reorganising the mind. Specifically constructed, powerful questions for clarity, designed, to clear a path to creating the reality you desire – Quests! Clearing obstacles in the mind which come in the way of that which you wish to create.
Sounds like a great quest to me…
What questions do you need for more clarity? You could try asking your own mind for directions, for example!
Get in touch for some powerful questions to help get clarity, and you see how you’re creating your reality.