Clear your mind by adding a catalytic thought

What can you do when you need clarity of mind? How can you clear your mind? You wouldn’t imagine that adding yet another thought could help!

A catalyst is something you add to an environment which causes a chain reaction and an overall change to the stasis of the system. 

Well, this is what I remember from school. The dictionary definition that I found was this: 

A person or thing acting as the stimulus in bringing about or hastening a result.

What if we apply the concept of a catalyst to the brain, mind and psychology! I like the idea of “Mind Experimentation”! Obviously you can add a chemical to the brain and this can change how it perceives reality, and depending on the chemical or drug that reality can change quite drastically. 

Is there another way? Well, maybe you’ve tried meditation, mindfulness, affirmations, positive thinking…  These all obviously have an effect, but they require discipline and practice. 

What about using the inherent properties of the mind to help in this situation. I mean, the mind likes to think right? It likes to find solutions. Given the right conditions, it likes to reflect, well sometimes at least, when it’s not running around the same old hamster wheel of thought. Mine does come up with some interesting ideas, once in a while. 

So, why not give it a problem to work on, the result of which is a clear mind? 

In my work as a coach, I see that questions are powerful catalysts. Powerful catalysts for insight, for new ideas, for new thought!

Questions are catalytic thoughts! Why? Because they’re something you add in, that brings about a change in the overall stasis of the system. Resulting in an insight! Or you could call it a rise in consciousness or awareness. 

So my mind got to thinking… what thought/question can be added as a catalyst to bring about clarity in the mind. A sort of cleaning agent, that will clean up other thoughts bringing about clarity, lucidity, wellbeing, and high performance! 

What would that thought be? 

My mind came up with some responses. But I want to leave you with this catalytic thought to steep in your mind over the weekend. I’d be intrigued to know what it comes up with!

Maybe you can try the experiment. Read here what happened in my own exploration into questions that bring clarity and see how you can find a Catalyst of Change for the Mind to Manifest all your dreams!

Or get in touch to see how I can help you clarify your ideas with more powerful questions!

Photo by Alex Powell from Pexels

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