Showing 17 Result(s)
How manifestation works

Manifestation Mind Map – How Manifestation Works

What is manifestation and how does it work? Manifestation sounds like an esoteric, woo-woo term… but it literally means to materialise or bring into being. I describe here the process of materialisation and how manifestation really works! The word might give you the impression of some sort of magical force at work, which materialises something …

Thought becomes Reality

Thought becomes Reality – really! Here’s how!

Thought becomes reality …  Let me explain. I’d sum it with these two statements.  We experience reality through Thought & through Thought we create reality.  Observe this moment. Do you realise how you are experiencing your reality in this moment?  You do not perceive directly. Your experience is in fact subjective.  As David Eagleman explains …

Questions for Clarity

Preguntas para Claridad: El Poder de las Preguntas Catalizadores

Hace un par de semanas escribí sobre el uso de preguntas para lograr claridad, es decir, el poder de las preguntas como catalizadores para provocar conciencia y cambio. Hice la pregunta: ¿Qué pensamiento/pregunta se puede agregar como catalizador para lograr claridad en la mente? ¿Cuál sería ese pensamiento? ¡No estoy seguro de qué respuesta obtuviste! …

Free Your Flow