Thought becomes Reality

Thought becomes Reality – really! Here’s how!

Thought becomes reality … 

Let me explain. I’d sum it with these two statements. 

We experience reality through Thought & through Thought we create reality. 

Observe this moment. Do you realise how you are experiencing your reality in this moment? 

You do not perceive directly. Your experience is in fact subjective. 

As David Eagleman explains in his book, The Brain: The Story of You, “Sealed within the dark, silent chamber of your skull, your brain has never directly experienced the external world, and it never will… Everything you experience — every sight, sound, smell — rather than being a direct experience, is an electrochemical rendition in a dark theater.”

All your senses are created through your mind. 

What’s happening now? 

If you take a look… you have inputs coming to your awareness through the senses. Then, your mind makes sense of those inputs. Even your experience of your emotions, and your body, is through your mind. 

What’s it like to be you right now? 

Take a moment to notice… the sights, sounds, sensations, smells and tastes… you are also probably experiencing thoughts and emotions. You are deciding where to put your attention, choosing what to focus on… You are you making meaning of this experience, and you do it through Thought, conscious or unconscious. 

The reality you experience is according to what you think… not as it is! You have a filter between you and reality. And as you think, so it is

You can choose your focus and attention, and depending on the meaning you make, you decide how you act. It is Thought that determines what you make things to mean, and Thought which gets manifest into emotion, the body and in fact your experience.  

Obviously, your thoughts are not instantaneously manifest into the material. Looking at these aspects of our experience, for example, a thought becomes a belief over time, if reaffirmed enough. Or an emotion turns into a mood if held for a period. And a bodily sensation can become tension, posture, or structure in the body. 

There is, of course, also a relationship between sensation, emotion and thought. They are different facets and expressions in the one consciousness. Thought, emotions, and body are all interconnected, just expressing at different densities. 

You interpret all these aspects of experience, making stories about it, you then respond and act within that story, creating your reality. 

As you create this story, you reinforce the filter through which you experience it. This filter conditions you to live in this story further, unless you consciously change it. 

Your experience of reality is your own creation 

So, in this way, Thought becomes reality…


I particularly like this statement from Wattles, Wallace D., in the Science of Getting Rich, “The Creative Power within us makes us into the image of that to which we give our attention. We are Thinking Substance, and thinking substance always takes the form of that which it thinks about.”

You might argue you can’t choose the thoughts which come from your subconscious mind, however, you can choose how you respond to those thoughts. When you consciously do this, you change the subconscious mind and the filter through which you experience.

It’s particularly important to notice the thoughts and beliefs related to the concept of yourself! Since you are the star of this particular movie, what you think and believe about yourself determine the entire narrative of the story and your life. 

What do you believe about yourself? 

This is perhaps the most significant type of thought you can have, and it will profoundly influence the reality you live in and your life! 

You can begin to become aware of this character through which you’re living by catching statements starting with “I am” or “I can” which you tell yourself and others. Hear the words you say out loud or in your head. 

What is the narrative like? What kind of character do you believe yourself to be? 

“I am not good enough”, “I’m not worthy”, “I’m not lovable”. “I can’t do that”, I’m not able to…”

These beliefs are self-perpetuating because what happens is that you look for evidence which reinforces your belief, and you ignore anything that is contrary to it. It’s like you’re seeing reality through this lens and can’t see anything else. 

Tell a different story

But you can experience a different reality, and the best way of doing this is to first change the lens through which you’re looking. Unless you do that, you’ll just get more of the same. Because if you as the character in your story see yourself as “a failure”, then that’s how the story plays out, no matter how hard you try.  So if you think you’re a failure, you’ll feel like a failure. Then, you’ll act like a failure, which perpetuates and strengthens the belief that you must be a failure.

Luckily, what you created unconsciously, can be re-invented consciously. When you realise you’re the director and actor in your own movie, you can tell the story of hero’s transformation. 

With awareness, commitment, and practice, these beliefs can be changed. 

Imagine living your life through a self-concept that is actually supportive, loving, and kind. 

“I am capable”, “I am deserving”, “I am creative”, “I can achieve everything I commit to”. 

As Wallace Wattles says, you are Creative Power, the Great “I Am”… 

We when realise the truth of this, we get tremendous power, clarity, and agency that comes with knowing that we’re creating our lives! 

You can put anything you want after those two little, but make sure they are all powerful words, and when you do, you are on your way to becoming that! 

Let me help you see how you are creating your current reality through an Orientation Session.

Free Your Flow