Resources for Work Happiness!

I'm happy to bring you a collection of resources for your Work Happiness! These are tools designed to help to gain the clarity, insight, and inspiration to change careers, or launch a soul-aligned business, and do the work you're here to do!

If you need further help, feel free to reach out for an Initial Consultation Call, to begin to get clarity on where you are and what you need to do next, on the path to Work you Love!

What is the way in which you should be creating wealth?

An ingenious profile test which helps you discover your path to wealth. 

What’s your Wealth Dynamics profile?

Are you a 
CreatorStarSupporterDeal MakerTrader, Accumulator
Lord, or Mechanic?

The manifesto for the work our hearts know is possible is a compass direction, to keep us on course to doing work that is truly meaningful and fulfilling.

A 22-point questionnaire designed to help Entrepreneurs evaluate whether a potential Product or Service that they’re considering launching is aligned to their business, mission and ultimately fits the founder/originator and so is likely to lead to a fulfilling outcome and success.

What do you do when you don’t know what to do next?

Here’s a process that can use, when you’re unclear about the next step to take to get you moving again to taking action towards your Mission and your Genius!

Do you know what’s important to you about your Work? What’s working and what’s not?

Get a clear perspective of where you currently are, what’s important to you, what’s working and where the gaps are, in only 5-10 minutes!

Receive your Work Happiness Percentage and a Report of the Insights, analysing the 12 Aspects of Work Happiness via email for less than the price of a coffee!

The Ikigai Entrepreneur Assessment and Roadmap prepares you for business success and personal happiness, it guides you in launching a business that fits you; a business which is the perfect marriage between who you are, what you offer and what someone else needs and how they are looking to get that.

What do you do when you don’t know what to do next?

Here’s a process that can use, when you’re unclear about the next step to take to get you moving again to taking action towards your Mission and your Genius!

The Demartini Value Determination Process is a Free 13-step process to uncover your highest priorities

Knowing your unique hierarchy of values can be an important starting place to creating work that is truly aligned to who you are.

#DeMartiniValuesDetermination #Values

The Work you Love recipe card outlines the ingredients needed for Work that you truly Love that is deeply fulfilling and satisfying.

What are the essential ingredients you need?

How can you combine them together?


Find the best career for you with Myers and Briggs’ theory of 16 personality types. Understand your motivations and values, identify your strengths, and match your interests to specific careers that suit you.

Discover how to work from your strengths and find a career that makes the most of your natural talents.

A comprehensive, scientifically validated career test that measures both your interests and your personality traits so you can find the right career for you. Based on the robust Holland Code and Big Five theories.

Discover the best jobs for you with the powerful system of Holland career codes. This free quiz will identify your strongest career interest among six occupational themes: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional (a.k.a. RIASEC).

You’ll discover your top interest area and what that means for you.

Book a Consultation Call

Let me help you create a meaningful work through my career coaching and counselling.

Bring out the best of yourself to make an impact in the world, and still get paid well!

Recover your energy, move out of paralysis and procrastination, to take decisive action towards what you desire.

Discover how to do meaningful work

Discover how to get Paid to be You!

What if you don’t have to neglect your values and personality to earn a living?
Find out the steps you need to take and the pitfalls to avoid.

Blog and News

 My thoughts and experience on how you can step into your power to create and your full potential.

Coaching Creativity Ikigai Work You Love

Unlock Your Potential: How Hidden Emotions Impact Vocational Success

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to effortlessly achieve their vocational goals...

Free Your Flow