Get Clarity, change your Mindset, and create Work you Love!

It is possible to have a meaningful career you truly believe in, be yourself, make a difference, and still get well-paid!
~ As above, so below ~

I know how you feel. I was there, and I can help you ...


Be unstoppable because you know who you truly are and what you’re here for. Connect deeply to clearly know your mission. Know what you offer, and develop your inner compass to guide your work. 


Feel energised and inspired and actually eager to get to work!

Align your mindset to what you’re creating.


Have work that expresses the deep essence of who you are, uses your natural gifts and what you love doing! 
Feel truly blessed to be your most authentic self and do what you do.


Thrive in your work, finding fulfilment and satisfaction, with a sense of purpose, through providing value that is in much demand, aligned to who you are, what you have to offer, and stand for.

Hi, I'm Sunil,

Certified Transformational and Career Coach

I’m here to help you get clarity on your mission, recover your energy, move out of paralysis and procrastination, to take decisive action towards what you desire.

I help my clients to realise how they’ve been creating their results so far, and change their inner game to give them what they long for. 

I provide a space for clarity and insight which helps them know where they are going, transform their blocks and limits, take decisive action to thrive.

There is a step by step way to have meaningful work through career coaching and counselling, even if right now you don’t know what that is!

Let me show you! 

Sunil - Career Coach

Work Happiness Indicator Test

Get a clear perspective of where you currently are, what’s important to you, what’s working and where the gaps are, in only 5-10 minutes!

Receive your Work Happiness Percentage and a Report of the Insights, analysing the 12 Factors for Work Happiness, via email for less than the price of a coffee!

Work Happiness Indicator

Helpful Resources

Don't know what to do

What do you do when you don’t know what to do next?

Here’s a process that can use, when you’re unclear about the next step to take to get you moving again to taking action towards your Mission and your Genius!

Work You Love Manifesto

The manifesto for the work our hearts know is possible is a compass direction, to keep us on course to have a meaningful career that is truly fulfilling.

Meaningful Career Coaching

The Ikigai Entrepreneur Assessment and Roadmap prepares you for business success and personal happiness, it guides you in launching a business that fits you; a business which is the perfect marriage between who you are, what you offer and what someone else needs and how they are looking to get that.

Book a Consultation Call

Let me help you create a meaningful work through my career coaching and counselling.

Bring out the best of yourself to make an impact in the world, and still get paid well!

Recover your energy, move out of paralysis and procrastination, to take decisive action towards what you desire.

Free Your Flow