How to Identify your Work Values

Navigating the decision-making process to create work that fits you can be a bit like trying to do a jigsaw puzzle without the picture on the box! Life gives you the pieces, and you have to put them all together, making sense of them. However, you can identify your work values and use them as a compass.

Little clues are given as to what the big picture is. Often not all at once, but you can form a picture from things like the context in which you’re born, the experiences you have especially as a child, and the struggles, and challenges you go through in your life.

Together with, what you enjoy and your innate talents/gifts, you can create a compass by which to find your way. These things typically contribute to and establish the values you have. Values basically answer the question: What’s important to you? 

Understanding your them can help you create work with meaning, that fits you. 

The following exercise will help you determine what values you hold, especially with regard to work.  

How can you Identify your Work Values

Which values do you want to express through work? 

Have a look at the following list of values:

If you want you can print it out and cut out the words and lay them on a table. 

1. Get centred / meditate. Tune into your body. Feel the sensations, emotions and thought. Let them be there and get still. 
2. Look at the values. 
3. Close your eyes. Write down 7 values that come to mind. 
4.  Bring each value to mind or actually look at the word and sense what arises in your body / mind as you reflect on each. 
5. If any don’t resonate, you can change up to two and you have to get rid of two (some might be similar). 
6. Write your list of up to 5 core values. 

Values as verbs 

Values are intangible in general but we can build tangible things on top of them!  In order to help go from intangible nouns to tangible actions we can take, try expressing your values as verbs. This will help you live by them… for example it’s hard to ‘do’ respect, but easier to live into “don’t hurt anyone”. 

7.  Express your 5 core values as verbs.

Reflection: What is the current alignment of your work to your values? 

  • Where can you see your values reflected in your work? 
  • Which ones are currently not expressed so much? 
  • Pick one. Write down three things can you do to bring this value more into your work? 

Navigating by Values

Once you have your values clear they can be used as a sort of bearing / direction to navigate by. They will help you keep on course towards work that is satisfying and meaningful, allowing you to say yes to the things that are truly important to you and equally, say no to offers and deviations that take you off your path! 

Wishing you an easy journey to work that fits who you are. 

Photo by Anny Patterson from Pexels

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