Love to Work

Manifesto for meaningful Work: Beautiful Work our Hearts know is possible

I’m here to tell you …

Maybe it’s time to sit up and listen to what your heart, body, and your life is telling you. Perhaps you have a greater purpose and mission for which you’re here.

You can begin to recover your energy and zest for life, once you begin living into your mission.

Surely, you owe it to yourself to become the best version of yourself you can be and create the vision of work you dream about.

You can have soul-satisfying, meaningful and health affirming work from which you get a sense of purpose, making a difference in the world, by using your innate gifts.

In the world in which we live today, perhaps this perfect job doesn’t exist. You might have to create a business that allows you to fulfil your own personal mission and do the work you came to do!

The manifesto for the meaningful work our hearts know is possible is a compass direction, to keep us on course to do meaningful work that is truly fulfilling.

Contact me for a consultation or find out how I can help you discover your purpose and mission in life, and create work that’s aligned to fit who you truly are. 

Manifesto for the more beautiful Work our hearts know is possible

1. Work is the expression of our Love. 

2. Through our work we serve, restoring harmony and fulfilling real deep needs of regenerating people and the planet. 

3. We begin with ourselves, connecting to the essence of who we are, serving using our gifts and what we love to do. 

4. We do what is ours to do, not comparing but fully becoming ourselves. 

5. We listen deeply so that our doing arises from the awareness of oneness, rather than separation, acting on our inner knowing of what benefits the whole.

6. We prioritise collaboration and co-creation rather than competition.

7. Focusing on process, we already have intrinsic reward apart from results.

8. We take the resources we need and give them freely, participating in their harmonious circulation.  Our income is concurrent with the positive impact we are having.

9. With our Work, we transform the economy of separation, struggle, and exploitation, to one of harmony, cooperation, and experience of abundance.

10. Matching our gifts and what we love to do, to offer what the world deeply needs. Becoming who we essentially are, there is a deep satisfaction for us and the people we serve.

If you want this for us, please share. Links at the side!


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