Find a sense of Purpose and Well-Being in your Work

Find a sense of Purpose and Well-Being in your Work beyond the Paycheck

Is Meaning really that important?

I would say yes, meaning is important to our well-being. More than we imagine!

One possible reason is that we as human are sense-making creatures. It matters that our lives are somehow meaningful and that the story we tell ourselves is coherent, which perhaps gives us a feeling of control.

We need to make sense of our lives.

Why are we here?

This a question that most people ask themselves at some point, even if you have no religious or spiritual inclinations.

A sense of purpose, comes from having a direction because we are working towards something that has meaning for us, which in turn gives us fulfilment.

Purpose fulfils meaning

It’s true, however, that you can find this purpose and meaning in many ways.

Where do people find Meaning?

There are many ways to solve the problem of finding meaning, and people do.

According to Pew Research, who conducted a survey in 2017 – Where Americans find meaning, people find meaning in the following:

After family, career and money are the next two, indicating that what you’re doing in your working life is pretty important.

People spend a significant portion of their lives working, so it’s essential to find work that not only pays the bills, but also provides a sense of meaning and purpose.

As you can see from the chart, health comes in at 16%, 7th on the list. All this added up means that what we do in our productive working life can significantly affect our overall well-being.

Unfortunately, many people work in jobs in which they struggle to find meaning, which can lead to physical and mental health issues.

Studies have also shown that employees who lack purpose at work are more likely to experience stress, anxiety, and depression.

Meaning and well-being

There is research to support the idea that having purpose is associated with better mental and physical health. For example, a study published in the journal “Psychology and Ageing” found that people with a strong sense of purpose were less likely to experience declines in physical and cognitive functioning over time, and they also had a lower risk of mortality.

When we are doing work that aligns with our values and passions, we are more likely to feel fulfilled and satisfied with our lives, positively impacting our overall well-being.

Furthermore, having a sense of purpose can give us belonging and connection to something larger than ourselves. When we are working towards a goal that is meaningful to us, we are more likely to feel connected to others who share our values and goals, providing us with a sense of social support and belonging.

Meaning at Work

For many of us, work is a necessary part of life. We need to make money to pay bills and support ourselves and our families.

We may feel like our jobs are draining our energy and leaving us feeling unfulfilled.

But what if work could be more than just a means to an end? What if it could be a source of fulfilment, purpose, and well-being?

Go Deeper

When people feel burned out and unsatisfied with their work, they often look for quick fixes, such as finding a new job, getting a promotion, or making more money. While these solutions may provide temporary relief, they typically fail to address the root causes of burnout and dissatisfaction.

Addressing the problem at the root requires some serious self-awareness. One important step is to engage in self-reflection and identify what truly matters to us.

Awareness is needed of what’s actually going on in the work environment you find yourself and how you’re creating your work life which is out of alignment to your needs and values.

Take a holistic approach to find a sense of purpose and well-being

A holistic approach to career satisfaction considers all aspects of your work, including your values, interests, skills, and work environment.

I’ve listed some steps you can take below:

  • Identify your values, and what’s meaningful to you
    One of the keys to finding purpose and well-being in your work is to align your values with your job.

    Is it helping others?
    Instigating a specific change in the world?
    Being creative / expressing yourself?

    Take some time to reflect on what matters to you and your priorities, and think about how they align with your current job. If there is a mismatch, you can start by looking for ways to incorporate them into your work, even in a small way, or explore other avenues to contribute to what matters to you.

Values are what matters to you

  • Find out your strengths and interests
    If you are doing work that aligns with your strengths and interests, you are more likely to be engaged and motivated. Discover what your strengths and interests are. Are you using them in your current job? If not, consider how you can leverage them in your work or explore other roles that would let you use them.
  • Cultivate a supportive environment
    Your work environment can have a significant impact on your well-being and job satisfaction. If it is toxic, unsupportive, or lacking in resources, it can contribute to stress and burnout.

    Cultivate a work environment that is supportive, positive, and conducive to your well-being.

    Take a look at how you are participating in relationships. This may involve setting boundaries, seeking out supportive colleagues, or advocating for changes in your work environment.
  • Seek out opportunities for growth and development
    If you’re not growing, then you’re likely stagnating, getting bored and becoming disillusioned with your work, so it’s important to find opportunities for growth and development.

    Seek out support and community, whether it’s within your working environment or outside. Connect with like-minded individuals who share your values and passions, so that you have mentorship and guidance from those who have been down a similar path.

Recover your energy

Regardless of what’s happening on the face of it in your current work situation, they are some things you can do to recover your energy, well-being, balance and perspective, even in situations of stress and pressure.

  • Practice gratitude
    Gratitude can help improve your well-being and increase your sense of purpose. Take time each day to reflect on what you’re grateful for in your work. It could be the opportunity to learn new skills, a supportive team, or a positive work environment.

    Expressing gratitude can also help improve your relationships with your coworkers and build a positive work culture. Take time to appreciate your coworkers for their contributions and support.
  • Focus on the present moment
    When we’re not present in the moment, we can feel disconnected from our work and ourselves. Practising mindfulness can help you stay focused and engaged in your work.

    Take breaks throughout the day to breathe deeply and relax your mind. Step out of judgement and negativity to recover your energy and creativity, even if it’s just to enable you to make the move onto something new.
  • Practice self-care
    Self-care is an essential component of well-being and can help prevent burnout. Make time for activities that nourish your body, mind, and spirit, such as sleep, exercise, meditation, or spending time in nature.

    Additionally, this can include setting boundaries and engaging in activities that help us recharge.

Conclusion – you can choose the meaning you give to work!

Remember, work doesn’t have to just be a means to an end. You can find a sense of purpose, meaning and well-being.

You are the designer of your working life, choosing the meaning you give to work. From this meaning you get a sense of purpose… something that you are motivated to achieve, create or do. And you can align what you do to something that’s meaningful for you.

This sense of purpose can significantly impact our overall well-being and quality of life. Research has shown that it is associated with better mental and physical health, increased happiness, reduced stress and anxiety, and even improved immune function.

If you are struggling to find purpose in your work life, try reflecting on your what matters to you and your interests, get involved in activities that align with them, and seek out social connections with others who share your values and goals.

You don’t have to make radical changes, but getting clear about what your needs are, recovering your energy by changing your mindset and focus, and taking some steps towards those needs will definitely help the feeling of frustration and lack of meaning.

By taking these steps, you can find a sense of purpose that brings meaning, fulfilment, and well-being to your work.

Support – help to get perspective

If you would like support and guidance to find a sense of purpose and well-being in your work, by getting to know what you need and re-aligning your work to fit who you are, you can reach out and Book a Consultation Call.

Image by Fauxels on Pexels

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