Challenge of finding meaningful work

Finding meaningful work that makes your heart sing!

To find and do meaningful work, there are some big challenges that people face. If this wasn’t the case, well, we’d all be doing work we loved that gave us a deep sense of purpose and satisfaction. 

Difficult work landscape

To start with, I want to highlight the difficult situation we find ourselves in. The work landscape is what we’ve created as a function of our collective consciousness. Many of the jobs go against our values and what we know to be true and right in our hearts. So we are torn between our beliefs and the need for survival, e.g. contributing to the further erosion of the climate and planet, versus, feeding our families and providing for their well-being. 

But we can choose to meet those more meaningful needs of humanity, and make that the focus of our work, diverting our energy from destruction and disharmony. 

To be paid to do meaningful work, you need to find what you are able to offer, which someone else needs and is willing to pay for. At least a part of society is consciously seeking to be whole and well, so there are people who need and what you can offer which brings that. This is in fact, the hero’s journey we are on. 

Societal conditioning

First of all, we’ve got society’s expectations. These are the subtle (and not so subtle!) nudges you’ve received about what it means to be successful, like having a high-paying job or a fancy career title. It can make you feel like you need to prioritise those things. 

Your family might have certain expectations for you, telling you that you need to prioritise practicality and stability over pursuing what’s meaningful. Perhaps you’ll need to find a balance between external obligations and staying true to yourself. But remember, you’re the one living your life and only you know what truly fulfils you. 

It can take a bit of grit and determination to pull away from that gravitational pull, hear your inner voice and break free from those expectations to define your own path and do it your way!

Clarity of direction 

One of the biggest things I see holding people back and staying stuck is a lack of awareness and exploration. Without a clear sense of direction it’s near impossible to go against the grain of our conditioning. 

Often people are waiting for some illuminating moment to discover that “something less boring instead” they should be doing. Perhaps you don’t even know what options are out there or you feel limited by your current skills. However, you’re not going to find out sitting on the sofa, watching Netflix! Without any work to gain some clarity, it’s likely you’ll continue on the sofa. 

There are many different paths to finding meaningful work if you’re willing to look for them. In fact, the very first step can be to embark on a journey of self-discovery, of knowing what rocks your boat. If you start with this simple step, perhaps with the help of someone, I’m pretty certain you’d begin to feel more hopeful and energised. 

Fear and uncertainty

Next, there’s the fear and uncertainty. It’s totally normal to feel scared when you’re going after something which is on the path less travelled. 

What if you fail? What if things don’t work out? 

Money is where a lot of the fear and uncertainty can be felt. After all, if you had nothing to lose in financial terms, well you’d probably take the leap. 

Financial planning

It literally pays to consider your transition taking this into account. How you will sustain yourself in the process of change is an important consideration, and it pays to be smart about this, so that your bank balance remains healthy and you’re not on the edge of a nervous breakdown. 

Do some planning for sure, to mitigate against the risks. 

But guess what? Embracing those fears and being okay with uncertainty is all part of the journey too. I’m pretty sure you’ll face these demons to some degree. So it’s not for the faint-hearted. If you want comfort, safety and security, you might be better off staying where you are. 

Action, feedback and prototyping

No matter where you find yourself currently, I believe there are two basic things which will get you out of the resignation you feel towards the situation. 

Firstly, change the way you view where you are… consider it as “good enough for now” and a launch pad towards where you want to be. See the good things about it. Perhaps it’s paying the bills and keeping a roof over your head.  Reframe the situation so that you can summon the energy to make a step towards something better. 

Which brings me to the second point. You’ll be able to bear your current situation a lot better, if you’re actively doing something which is taking you in the direction you want to go in, even if that is only starting off with clarifying what really want and is important to you, or trying a few small experiments. If you’re taking some action, you’ll feel a lot better about being where you are. 

Personal growth

Ah and there are probably ways in which you are sabotaging your progress. Self-doubt and imposter syndrome can really get in the way. You might feel like you’re not good enough or that you don’t deserve meaningful work. Perhaps you think it’s just asking too much. But let me tell you, everyone has those feelings at some point. You’ve got to push past that self-doubt and embrace your own worthiness. 

“You’re not even aware of the amazing things you’re capable of!”

The road ahead

Overcoming these challenges takes some soul-searching, perseverance, and a whole lot of self-belief. Breaking free from expectations, embracing the unknown, and surrounding yourself with the right people can certainly help. 

Society is all about the money, the status, and the fancy possessions. But true fulfilment comes from within. It’s about being yourself, all you can be! Get clarity on what is truly important to you which brings you joy, not only the external rewards.

So, keep pushing forward and don’t settle for anything less than work that truly lights you up. 

Find support

Finding meaningful work can also be tough without a support system. Having mentors, career advisors, or even just like-minded individuals to lean on can make a world of difference. Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for help. You’re not in this alone.

If you’d like a guide to help you get clarity and start moving forward on the path, get in touch or download the free “Paid to be You Roadmap“!

Just don’t get to the end of the road feeling like you lived someone else’s life! 

You’ve got this!

Free Your Flow