Build your creative muscle – As easy as finding your keys!

I had a bit of inspiration in the shower the other morning! Funny, how it seems to show up in the morning when I least expect it. Perhaps it’s playing hide and seek with me, hiding behind the shower curtain ready to pounce when I least expect it. I mean, when I’m trying hard to find it, it’s nowhere to be found, however the moment I give up, it seems so show it’s smiling face.  Maybe I start taking more showers because they really seem to be quite productive! 

And this is the thought that struck me in the shower, a moment of the intuitive / creative mind, revealing itself, telling me how it works! Let me explain!

Have you ever had the situation where you’re looking for your keys, but try as you might you just can’t locate them, nor think where you left them. Then, just when you forget about it, up pops the answer as if out of nowhere. It seems that when the mind relaxes it produces the answer. 

In the same way that Archimedes had his Eureka moment in the bath, you can build in Eureka moments into your life in the following way: 

1. Use the rational mind to define the problem. Think long and hard about a problem. Find all the information you can and look at it from all the angles you can think of. 
2. Take lots of showers or baths until you have a Eureka moment. 😉 
2. Give the problem over to the intuitive / creative mind. RELAX… SURRENDER…

Like building muscle, you work out and then you rest, relaxing allows your body to regenerate and function more efficiently. And you can build creative muscle in a similar fashion! 

It might save you a lot of headaches, because instead of banging half a brain against the proverbial brick wall, you’ll be using all of your head! 

Free Your Flow