Resources for Work Happiness

Recipe for Work you Love!

Like cake, the recipe for Work you Love has some essential ingredients you need to put in otherwise it’s dry, bland and difficult to stomach!

But to bake your best cake, you need to know which ingredients to put in and how to combine them to create a stunningly satisfying, delicious cake that people won’t be able to get enough of! 🙂 

Don’t settle for anything less! You can have your cake and eat it! Yes, you can! 

So, what is the secret recipe for Work you Love? 

Below I’m going to give you the key Ingredients you need, without which it just isn’t cake! And the Method for putting it together! 

Baking the most delicious cake all depends on the ingredients you put in! If you put crappy ingredients in you’ll get a crappy cake. Spending a little time finding wholesome and delicious ingredients at the start can ensure a good result. 

No one else can tell you what’s best for you, because it’s your cake and only you know your own tastes. You get to choose the ingredients, ones you’d love to have in your version of cake. However, to make it a cake it does have to have some essential things. 

In the case of cake, there are 3 ingredients that are essential: flour (structure/substance), sugar (sweetness), eggs (binding). Similarly, for Work you Love, there are 3 essential ingredients that perform some key functions. 

So, let’s break it down!

Recipe for Work you Love Cake! (serves many)


1 Meaning –  like the eggs, this is what binds things together. It’s the reason why you’re doing what you are doing. Something that you’d do whether you were paid or not! 

3/4 Cup of Pleasure – this is the sweetness, that something that you intrinsically enjoy, and that gives you joy. What you enjoy doing for the process, not the result!

1/2 Cup of Talent  – this the substance of your work. It’s the thing that you’re innately good at. Using your strengths gives the cake the substance it needs! Make your innate talents a core part of your work and set yourself up for success. 


1) Pre-heat the oven. Set the intention that you are going to create Work you Love. 

2) Select your ingredients that add Meaning, Pleasure and Talent to the mix. 

Make sure they combine well together to create the perfect mix. Some ingredients just don’t go well together, others do. Chocolate and banana… mmmmm.  Chocolate and soy sauce? Probably not! In the same vain, dancing and entertaining people, yes, but dancing and animal welfare, might be more difficult to combine!

 In the case of ingredients that are difficult to combine, delve a little deeper into the essence of the ingredient. What does Sugar provide? Sweetness! This can come in many forms! 

What does Dancing give you? Perhaps opportunity for embodied creative expression? So, maybe that’s at the core of why you love dancing, and given that, there maybe other outlets that you might equally love, which are more compatible with the rest of your ingredients!

3) Bake the cake in the oven. This is the process of transforming the raw mix of ingredients into the final cake, in this instance, Work you Love, and a final product or service that someone will consume.  

The cake must come out so that it is edible, delicious that someone else would love to eat, otherwise what would be the point of baking it in the first place!  Someone must desire the cake you bake. 

4) Share the cake. Eat the cake. Have a tea party. Invite all your friends who like your kinda cake. 

Perhaps it’s a wedding cake, a birthday cake, or simple a cupcake. You need to make sure that the type of cake you bake is something people would pay for and find the people who are hungry for it. 

People must know about what you’ve baked and be able to enjoy it, otherwise it might go stale on the shelf! 

So, please their taste buds and satisfy a hunger or need to complete the recipe for fulfilment, satisfaction, and success.   

Have all you need?

Do you have all the ingredients? What’s missing? Do the ingredients combine well together? Are you worried about decorating the cake when the core ingredients are not there?  

Let me know in the comments where you find yourself. If you want help to clearly see the ingredients you have and what you should be baking, reach out for an Introductory Coaching Session to see how I can help you.

Wishing you a fun time baking and a wonderful cake for us all to enjoy! 

One which makes you feel like it’s your birthday every day. With a cherry on top!

Photo by Taryn Elliott on Pexels

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