There are lots of things to consider when launching a product or service for your business, or a new business venture altogether. The pH business viability test, is designed to help entrepreneurs evaluate if a potential launch is viable & aligned to the founder.
Of course, the project itself needs to be evaluated for probability of success. Few people, however, consider the fit to the founder or originator.
So, although it’s all too easy to be enthused about a project when it’s just an idea, I think it is wise to evaluate early on whether you’ll actually enjoy initiating and sustaining it over its course.
Inspired by Farez Rahman’s checklist for SaaS Startup Ideas, which evaluates the project from the perspective of the market and business viability, I developed the Project Happiness (pH) Test, a 22-point questionnaire designed to help Entrepreneurs determine whether the idea fits the nature of who they are.
It helps you consider, amongst other things, whether the project uses your core strengths, fits your values and so would be meaningful work and that the kinds of activities involved are enjoyable for you, bringing you into flow.
Ultimately it checks on fit of the founder/originator to the project, predicting the likelihood of a happy, fulfilling, successful outcome, saving you pain further down the line.
Download the Project Happiness Test Questionnaire for free.
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