How to Identify your Work Values

Navigating the decision-making process to create work that fits you can be a bit like trying to do a jigsaw puzzle without the picture on the box! Life gives you the pieces, and you have to put them all together, making sense of them. However, you can identify your work values and use them as …

Work Values

Finding the Why

Meaning – A deep driver There can be many different motivating factors behind work. The meaning your work has can be a deep driver that can sustain you over the long-term, providing great satisfaction and fulfilment.  It has this quality of sustaining your work, more so than pursuing something purely for pleasure and self-gain, rather …

Resources for Work Happiness

Recipe for Work you Love!

Like cake, the recipe for Work you Love has some essential ingredients you need to put in otherwise it’s dry, bland and difficult to stomach! But to bake your best cake, you need to know which ingredients to put in and how to combine them to create a stunningly satisfying, delicious cake that people won’t …

Questions for Clarity

Preguntas para Claridad: El Poder de las Preguntas Catalizadores

Hace un par de semanas escribí sobre el uso de preguntas para lograr claridad, es decir, el poder de las preguntas como catalizadores para provocar conciencia y cambio. Hice la pregunta: ¿Qué pensamiento/pregunta se puede agregar como catalizador para lograr claridad en la mente? ¿Cuál sería ese pensamiento? ¡No estoy seguro de qué respuesta obtuviste! …

Learn to Receive with Gratitude

I had an interesting experience a month or so back, which taught me an interesting lesson and helped me learn to receive with gratitude.  I was out running along Gran Via in Barcelona. At one point, I stopped and changed direction, as I decided I felt I didn’t have the energy to do the route …

Gamify your life

How could you gamify your life? That is, seeing it and turning it into a game? Is it even possible? And what would be the benefits? I’m sure you’ve heard the term Gamification! If not, here’s a definition: “Gamification is the application of game-design elements and game principles in non-game contexts.  It can also be …

Free Your Flow