Develop Intuition

How to Develop Intuition: 21 Ways to Tune into your Inner Voice

Consider the possibility that there is one step and direction to take for living your fullest, best life, that is to develop your intuition!

How committed would you be to taking this step?

Although it is more of a path that will lead you exactly on the adventure that your deepest Self desires, it is possible to learn to develop your intuition and live a fulfilling meaningful life, a life led by your Soul.

By committing to follow your inner guidance, the path becomes surprisingly straightforward, and the work is simply to surrender to it on a daily basis, cultivating the practice of paying attention and following its guidance.

This is contrary to what you might be doing at the moment, led by an ego, full of fear and worry, wracking your brains, analysing, doubting, basically living in a state of stress about what you’re doing and where you’re heading.

But there is a more graceful, peaceful way to live our lives.

Once on this spirit-led path, you’ll be surprised by the resulting synchronicities that occur, giving further motivation to continue living in a more lighthearted magical manner.

As one on the greatest minds in recent history pointed out, it seems we’ve neglected our intuitive mind and a tyrannical rational mind is at the helm, with resulting consequences.

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift

~ Albert Einstein

Intuition can be Developed

You might not see yourself as being intuitive, but intuition can be developed, like any other habit. It just takes patience, commitment and daily practice. However, from this one habit can result everything you desire and more.

Just to be clear, I’m not saying that I have my intuition fully developed. It’s a work in progress, and that which is never done!

We train many things in our lives… our fitness and physical well-being, we acquire knowledge and develop ourselves for our career, so how about delving deeply into ourselves to realise our potential to be self-guided and creative. Surely, this is the ground in which some care and cultivation will reap many fruits.

This is a realisation that I’ve had recently, which makes me even more committed to do what it takes to open to my intuition and give it the focus and priority.

21 Ways to Develop your Intuition

So, here’s a list of 21 ways I’ve found to help you start to develop your intuition and form the regular rituals and habits which will open and strengthen your intuitive powers. They are what I’m incorporating into my routine to live a more soul-led life.

The first few are essential to prime the pump and release the resistance to developing your intuition.

Get a New World View.

Pacify your rational mind if you need to, which permits you to open to the guidance of your intuition.

Part of the reason you might not be tuning into your Intuition is that the rational mind is unwilling to release control for fear of all hell breaking loose. You need to find a way, to either get your it on board, or have space in your life where it is not completely in control and dominating your attention.

Unless you can open to the possibility of other ways of knowing, beyond what your reasoning mind says, it will be difficult to open to your intuition.

Feel & Sense more rather than just Think

Recognise that you are not just the thoughts you consciously think. There are other levels of mind such as the subconscious and the superconscious, and that there is evidence and research gathered on the capabilities of the mind that are beyond full explanation by current science.

Accept that you are a thinking, sensing and feeling being. Bring these 3 ways of being into balance. They are in fact, different ways of “knowing”. If you don’t believe me, observe these aspects in yourself.

There is more to you than what you think about yourself.

Is everything you believe about yourself and the world true?

Tune in & Ask for Guidance

Like tuning into a particular radio station, unless you actively engage with your intuition, it’s likely you’ll miss its message. You can do this in two ways, the first is to set the intention that you are going to look to it for guidance. By doing so, you are telling it you are listening.

The second step is to ask for guidance, on whatever you need help / direction with in your life, be they big or small. When faced with a decision, take a moment.

Get quiet and ask.

Unless, you relinquish some control and look to it in your decision-making, your intuitive never gets the chance to guide you, and so grow.

Breathe to Connect

Take moments in your day to breathe deeply. This helps to relax your nervous system and calm the mind, allowing you to connect more easily to the messages of your intuition. What’s particularly effective is to do a connected breath where there is no pause at each end.

Be in your Body

Bring attention into your body, rather than pouring energy into thinking. Intuition often speaks through what you’re feeling rather than your thinking. Especially pay attention to sensations in your gut and heart, they maybe giving you information that you’re not noticing, and also an impulse to a certain action that they’re pointing to.

You could regularly practice something like a “Body Scan”, to train yourself in being more present in your body and felt experience, allowing you to begin to notice the subtle messages it is sending, more regularly.

Meditate & Be with the Silence

Our Intuition often comes through when our mind is relaxed and quiet. As the phrase, “If you’re speaking, you’re not listening”, suggests, if there is constant mind chatter, then it’s less likely that you’ll hear the messages of your inner voice.

Write down or speak out your Intuition to strengthen it

Your intuitions can be subtle so whatever you can do to make them visible and come into form will help.

When you ask for guidance you can speak out any responses you get. This will have the benefit of acknowledging and encouraging the information coming to you.

Alternatively, writing is a great way of tuning into what is present just under the radar of your conscious thinking. Write down inspirations and intuition however nonsensical, suspend your critic for a moment.

You could also try doing flow of consciousness writing or journalling to open the tap to your intuitive mind.

Practice Mindfulness & Enjoy the Senses

Come into contact with the present moment and your sensory experience. Be the Witness.

Notice all that’s coming through your senses and also what you can observe in your body, emotions and thinking, as often as possible, throughout the day. You could ask the question…

What’s your experience like right now?

Don’t think about it – Observe it!

Doing so will help you develop your intuition, your sixth sense!

Practice Active Listening

To strengthen your intuition, you must tune into it and practice listening. By paying attention both inwardly and outwardly, to feelings, images, symbols, dreams, synchronicities and you can begin to access the intuitive messages carried by them.

Be present, listening to others deeply with a quiet, non-judgmental mind, can help you, in fact, to also listen to your own intuition. Since this is same faculty you use to listen to yourself. Notice not only the words people speak but the energy and emotions underneath.

Seek Solitude in Nature

Spending time alone in nature is a great way to open to your intuition. Free from distractions, responsibilities and information overload of your daily life, you are more available for your intuitive mind and deeper Self.

Take a break from Busyness / Business!

Sometimes it’s hard to see the wood from the trees.

When you’re constantly busy, with your mind racing, there is no space for your intuition to be heard. Taking a break from your constant doing, once in a while, can result in just the intuitive hit you need to solve some of the things you’re busy with!

Getting out from your usual environment by taking a sabbatical, going on a retreat or a trip without a fixed plan.

If that seems impossible, you can do this in a small way, simply by having a day off from your routine, or even taking a different route to work.

Introducing some novelty into your life can spark both inspiration and intuition. As they say, a change is also as good as a rest!

Make a Vision Board

Vision boards are a great way to dream while awake, and let your intuition speak to you!

Collect a bunch of magazines. Rip out the images that you’re attracted – you don’t need to know why! Then, begin to put them together, cutting and pasting into a cohesive whole. Don’t think about it too much. Just work with it on an aesthetic level… making it look beautiful.

Put the resulting collage somewhere you can see it. Look at it and let it speak to you over a number of weeks.

Step away from that Screen

Endless scrolling on your favourite Social Media app is probably not doing much to strengthen your intuition, in fact, our digital lives are probably training us to be more distracted and disembodied, rather than noticing our subtle inner voice.

What could you do instead which you would enjoy and would connect you to your intuition?

Pay attention to your Dreams

When you dream, the boundary between the conscious and unconscious is thinned and you receive information, in the form of a narrative that you weren’t fully aware of previously.

Utilise this information, by keeping a dream diary and training to remember your dreams. When you wake up, write down what you can remember and see if there are any messages for the current situations in your life. Pay particular attention to the emotions felt in the dream.

Follow Your Bliss

Your intuition often speaks to you through how you feel. Pay attention to when you feel joy, passion, and excitement. Note the activities, people, and experiences that make you feel more vibrant and alive.

Make space in your life to do the things which give you these feelings. Simply by being in these enlivened states, you’re opening yourself to further intuition and bliss!

Align with your Values

Find out what matters to you and make sure you prioritise your life around that. There is a resonance in your body and emotions when you’re aligned with your values.

Notice how it feels whenever you move away from your values and use the feeling as a signal to come back on course.

If you don’t know what your values are, here’s a process to discover them!

Embrace Creativity

Creativity and intuition are interconnected. In fact, is it Creativity itself which is giving you the nudges through your intuition to what it wants to express and create in your life.

Engaging in creative pursuits can help you open to your intuition. While you’re in the flow of an activity such as painting, writing, music, or dance, you’re opening the channel of your intuitive mind to speak and express itself, since it’s a space which allows you to play, and explore without judgement or expectations.

Read about How to Develop intuition

What you put your attention on, invariably grows. Immerse yourself in the topic of intuition. By feeding your conscious mind on the subject, it signals your intention, directs your attention and thereby begins to condition your conscious mind to the possibility of improving your intuition, a step towards helping you connect to its messages.

Here are a couple of books to check out:
Tune In, Sonia Choquette
The Intuitive Way, Penny Pierce

Take Action on your Intuitions

It usually pays to act on your intuition in the moment, before you get into thinking too much about it and your rational mind discards your initial instinct by overanalysing.

Acting on your intuitions is an essential part of developing it, because you need to act to discover the positive consequences which result from it, and so further increasing your trust in it.

Surrender & let go of Control

The process of opening to your Intuition, is one of surrendering ego control, to the wisdom of your Spirit / Soul which has a bigger view of who you are.

You will at some point have to let go, embrace not knowing and learn to develop Trust.

Start to practice this on a daily basis by first beginning to accept all the circumstances and snags in your life. Do this by energetically saying “YES!”, to whatever occurs, and watch as intuition improves and begins to direct your life.

Whatever shows up in your inner or outer experience, embrace them. As you do, you’re opening the door to allow your intuition to show you the best way forward.

Celebrate your Successes

To amplify your progress, recognise the guidance you’re receiving, the synchronicities and positive outcomes. This allows you to connect the dots of the things you’re doing to strengthen your intuition and the results you’re getting.

Additionally, being grateful for everything that is working in your life, creates positive vibes around you and within you, increasing the flow of inspiration, resulting in a virtuous cycle.

Following your intuition involves establishing a new set of personal priorities and committing to the daily practice of surrendering yourself to the guidance of the Spirit within

– Sonia Choquette

Live an Intuitive Life

As you can see, there are many ways you can begin to develop your intuition. The key is that it is a faculty that you already possess, which you have probably been using intermittently and perhaps unknowingly, but it’s one that can also be developed intentionally with focus, patience and daily practice.

It’s about tuning in. We can listen, and trust the subtle whispers of our inner wisdom.

I invite you to go on this transformative journey that aligns us with our deepest desires and truest selves. By relinquishing the grip of fear and the ego mind, we open ourselves to the gentle guidance of the soul.

As we begin to integrate these habits and rituals into our daily lives, we begin to witness the magic of synchronicities and the flow of inspiration guiding our every step.

In the process, we develop deeper trust and refuge in our intuition and the guidance it offers.

Surrendering to the wisdom of our Souls, we unlock the door to a life of fulfilment, purpose, and boundless joy, a life beyond even our wildest dreams.

Is what you’re doing working!?

No amount of thinking is going to get you there. What do you need to clear your head?

Free Your Flow