Showing 11 Result(s)
How manifestation works

Manifestation Mind Map – How Manifestation Works

What is manifestation and how does it work? Manifestation sounds like an esoteric, woo-woo term… but it literally means to materialise or bring into being. I describe here the process of materialisation and how manifestation really works! The word might give you the impression of some sort of magical force at work, which materialises something …

Meditation in a Conversation – a Mindfulness Practice

I always thought that meditation was a solitary activity, until I discovered something called Interpersonal Meditation, a Mindfulness practice, which you could describe as “Meditation in a Conversation”! The fact you can meditate with another human being, and not just sitting in the same room doing your individual practice, was a revelation! I can’t believe …

Retraining Habitual Thoughts – Re-minding myself

I’m grateful for the little opportunities that life presents each day to see the inner workings of my mind. It’s often not a pretty sight, since I’m aware of habitual thoughts that are negative! Maybe, some retraining of habitual thoughts is needed. I was about to go across the city to an appointment, on one of …

I get distracted

At first glance, my focus could be summed up in 3 words… “I get distracted”.  Writing this post on Focus I’m discovering that I might be the most unfocused person on the planet! Well, that’s how it feels to me. I’ve managed to distract myself with countless things, some useful, some not, during the writing …

Free Your Flow