How to deal with Uncertainty!

In our current times, perhaps we face more uncertainty than our predecessors. And what’s more, since we depend on our brains more than ever to earn a living, as this Forbes article about uncertainty at work suggests, we need to perhaps train ourselves to deal with it.

For sure, one thing you can be certain of in life is Uncertainty. So, what’s your relationship with her? How can you deal with uncertainty?

I decided to confront her. Uncertainty that is. Head on! 

We certainly have some history. Lots of let-downs of the past that I’ve developed a distrust. My heart closed. I’ve been hurt. Reluctant to open to her again, preferring instead to be cautious, close down, defend and control. Yes, in fact, if I’m honest, I’d like to control her so that she’ll do what I want! 

Currently, it feels likes she’s been weaving scary threatening stories about the future… or could it be me projecting onto her, in her silence. 

Perhaps she’s not who I made her out to be. Could she be benevolent? More likely she is even as we speak, concocting devious plans for my downfall! I want to confront her! I’ve had enough of her sabotage of my plans. 

This can’t continue. It’s like I can’t live with her, nor can I live without her!

How to deal with Uncertainty?

How can I get to know her again, maybe starting a clean slate in our relationship, getting past all the projections I’ve laid on her? 

Wondering where she is now. I sense her, lurking in the shadows, around the corner. Just a whiff of her…  provokes a tension in me.  My tension and rigidity causing me to recoil from her company. Needing to relax. 

Looking to see if I can spot her! I hear her whispers in my ear, but cannot see her. 

Long I’ve been trying to ignore her… turning a blind eye… pretending she’s not here, wanting to forget, preferring to remain in the security of my delusion. But looking closely now, in this moment, at my reality, I see her more clearly, appearing from the shadows. 

Unable to discern her mood or the ‘gifts’ she’s bringing. 

Paying attention… penetrating the shadows… beneath the surface of appearances. Seeking out the one I want to know with trepidation. 

It feels like she’s been here all along, my constant companion. I hadn’t noticed. 

Her presence it feels, in everything… Within and without… meddling… even where I feel in control. Noticing little twitches and twinges in my body. A music playing without my direction. Unsure what the next note will be. 

In my mind neither, my thoughts… forming a sentence in English, observing her interject a word in Spanish… Unexpected! Seeing a flash of her playfulness. Mischievous humour in her eyes. 

Sitting. Waiting to see… what she will surprise me with… more open. 

Everything Uncertain. Just my commentary, stale and predictable. 

Watching without judgement. Breathless. 

She is captivating! Without expectation, our relationship blooming… 

Resting… I don’t know. 

Something sacred unfolding, in the electric moment. 

Let go

Embrace her like a lover, in silent wonder. Let her reveal her mysteries without constraining her with your control.

Photo by Lance Matthew Pahang on Unsplash

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